Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Looking over the past year and how much my life has changed, I am thankful for so many things!!

I remember this day last year, I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner by one of my close friends in Texas. It was so wonderful to be able to spend the day with great friends and family. Thinking about last year has made me really miss my Texas friends, but has reminded how lucky I am that I found them....or they found me!

I'm so incredibly thankful for Casey and the family he has given me. It is such a blessing to have a "step" son that I get to spoil rotten and help raise. I have the best "in-laws" a girl could ask for, they have been there for me for many years, and I'm so thankful to belong to their family.

I am a very lucky girl with wonderful friends, of which I am always thankful for! I know that I have the greatest support group! No matter where I've been, I've always had the love and prayers of my friends to get me through.

And last, but certainly not least...I'm thankful for my awesome family! They have always stood beside me and allowed me to grow and find myself. I'm INCREDIBLY thankful that God has answered our prayers and taken the cancer from Helen, and now she can recover and get back to her feisty self!!

I guess you could say I'm just one thankful gal, for everyone and everything God has blessed me with this past year! Here's looking to many more thankful years!!

And always remember to keep your fork.....